Our Leaders

Bundoora Scout Group would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our leaders and adult helpers who have dedicated their time, energy, and expertise to our organization. These individuals are the backbone of our organization, and their tireless efforts have helped us to provide enriching and exciting experiences for the youth members in our community.

These individuals have gone above and beyond the call of duty to provide our youth members with the best possible Scouting experience. They have led hikes and camps, taught important life skills, and provided guidance and support to our youth members as they navigate the exciting and sometimes challenging world of Scouting.

In addition to their leadership roles, our leaders and adult helpers have also been instrumental in supporting the administrative and logistical aspects of our organization. They have helped with fundraising, event planning, and countless other tasks that are essential to the success of our group.

Bundoora Scout Group is truly grateful for the dedication and hard work of our leaders and adult helpers. Without their tireless efforts, we would not be able to provide the outstanding programs and experiences that have become a hallmark of our organization.

On behalf of the entire Bundoora Scout Group community, we would like to say thank you to our leaders and adult helpers for their unwavering commitment and support. We are proud to have such talented and dedicated individuals as part of our team, and we look forward to continuing to work together to empower and inspire the youth in our community.

Group and Committee

Chris Parr

Group Leader

Joan Parr


Joey Scouts

Sally James

Joey Scout Leader

Cub Scouts

Kate Peach

Cub Scout Leader


Hamish Lucas

Scout Leader

Kirsty Parr

Assistant Scout Leader

Venturer Scouts

Annette Bennett

Venturer Scout Leader

Adult Helpers

Bruce Wolfe

Adult Helper

Tristan Griffiths

Bear / Baloo
Adult Helper

Thinking About Joining Bundoora Scout Group?

Attend a meeting night and join in!

New members are welcome to attend on the relevant section meeting night with your first 3 nights free! Conditions apply.

Joeys (ages 5-7) – Thursday – 6.00pm to 7.00pm

Cubs (ages 8-10) – Monday – 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Scouts (ages 11-14) – Wednesday – 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Venturers (ages 15-17) – Wednesday – 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Handfield Rover Unit (ages 18-25) – Thursday – 7.30pm to 10.00pm

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